Category Archives: Uncategorized



I’m drawing up some shirts for HIGHWAY 12 MOTORSPORTS. Can’t wait to see them printed up.

Head on over and pick one up soon.

American Biker- Charleston S.C.

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I had a great time at American Biker In Charleston S.C.

I got to show off my pictures, sell some paintings and prints, and hang out with old friends.

Industry and Production

The furnaces at the MACHINE PIT are fired up again. There are projects in the works and concepts bieng realized again. With this in mind I’ve decided to update the blog to generate some interest….once every year might not be  enough.

Here are some process shots of a  color excercise I worked out yesterday. The painting is 8″x12″.

I started laying stuff in with a pallet knife because it’s hard to control and I can’t get too picky early on. After that I focus on value and temperature.

I really liked the block in on this. I had to kick mtself in the butt to do bold color things with it. In the end it worked out.

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knuckle head and Taliban man.

Mutter Museum sketches-

The Mutter Museum will no longer be stocking my post cards.  I’m working on something new for them.

A Cold Day In HELL!

Alright, so now I’ve got a blog.

An ART blog.

 Never say Never.

Reminds me of those times where you get brake cleaner in your eye

Crap. i’m blogging.

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!